I got feedback from David Bromberg, Arthur Santoro, and Professor Abram Siemsen.
-He thinks there might be too much white space over the recipe text. I might consider moving the ingredient titles into the right column, or decrease the space between the ingredient titles and their pictures.
-The current divisions between the different ingredient sections are fine, but he recommended making the text boxes different colors in order to make the divisions even more legible.
-There are some sections where the recipe text comes too close to the right edge of the screen; he recommended increasing the padding to increase the space.
-At the end of the recipe, following the "Assembly" section, he recommends putting in another line of copy such as "Enjoy" in order to bring the recipe page to a more satisfying conclusion.
Professor Abram's Feedback
-To get rid of the excessive white space, he recommends aligning the recipe copy to the top of the images. The relationship between word and image could be reinforced by this as well.
-He also recommends increasing the space to the right of the recipe copy to make it look less cramped.
-He thinks it's fine if the next section heading falls into the initial frame view, as it indicates there's more content present below.